Case Study

project product shots

BPM Fitness makes it easy for personal trainers and their clients to connect and share content.


UX/UI Design
User Research
Visual Design
Brand & Identity


User Survey & Personas
Competetive Analysis
User Stories & Flows
Prototypes & Wireframes
User Testing & Hi-Fi Mockups


Google Survey
Usability Hub


There are few applications that connect personal trainers with their clients. So, I created a mobile and web based application that allows trainers and their clients to easily share information with each other.


Trainers need an app that allows them to organize their multiple clients and train them all over the world. Clients need a way to view their fitness plans and track their progress.


Create BPM Fitness to ensure that connecting and sharing information between personal trainers and their clients is easy and efficient.

project desktop and mobile pages
project desktop and mobile pages
project desktop and mobile pages

Discovery Phase

Competitive Analysis

The main apps on the market that connect personal trainers with clients are Gain Fitness and My PT Hub. Both apps promise trainers they can build their business and clientele. However, these apps are marketed to the trainers, not their clients and do not allow for two-way communication.

  • My PT Hub has great features like tracking progress pictures, measurements and nutrition sections but clients and trainers complain about the app not being intuitive.

  • Gain Fitness primarily offers self-guided workout plans and personal training is only offered in four major cities.

  • Fitness Builder give clients access to a library of workouts and videos and allows them to track their results and compare them with other users, however, users complain about the functionality of the app.
  • competition pages
    competition pages

    User Survey

    I began with a survey to learn the following information:
    What users use cloud storage for?
    What features they use and what features they want?
    How important is sharing files, real time collaboration, easy organization and file recovery?

    It is important to understand what features potential users want so that those features are prioritized in the design process. It is also important to note that majority of potential users are younger than 35 years of age, indicating they would most likely be comfortable with this app.


    User Personas are built using the demographics found from the user survey. This ensures a clear understanding of the users needs throughout the entire design process.

    Target market research shows that personal trainers are college educated or have a training certification and are looking to grow their client base and increase income. Male clients are typically looking for weight training while most women are looking for wieght loss methods like high intensity training and muscle toning. Nealry 40% of clients are millenials, indicating that they are comfortable with technology.

    35, Male
    Los Angeles, CA


    Mark wants to build his clientele base, organize many different guides and keep track of each of his client's progress.


    Similar apps are not customizable and other platforms can be very expensive for trainers.

    28, Female
    San Diego, CA


    Giselle wants access to cusomized workouts, to be able to excercise on her own time and to have a diet plan.


    Most online programs are generic. Her schedule makes it hard to work with a trainer in-person.

    23, Male
    Boulder, CO


    Brandon wants training guides specifically for his goals. He wants to gain muscle quickly and have access to recipes.


    Cloud sharing apps are not always intuitive and working out with a trainer in-person can be expensive.

    Information Architecture

    User Stories & Flows

    User personas helped determine user stories. This perspective was necessary in thinking through a well-rounded app with the essential features for users. High priority stories included the onboarding process, logging in, adding, organizing and deleting content, and signing out.

    The same user stories became user flows, essentially a path of each task. Building the users flows was necessary in understanding how each page of the app worked, before diving right into the visual design.

    Role Task Importance
    As a new client I want to sign up for an account High
    As a new client I want to choose an account type High
    As a new client I want to create my profile High
    As a new trainer I want to sign up for an account High
    As a new trainer I want to choose an account type High
    As a new trainer I want to create my profile High
    As a new client I want to sign in High
    As a returning client I want to see all my uploaded content High
    As a returning client I want to access my trainers content High
    As a returning client I want to upload pictures/videos High
    As a returning client I want to upload documents High
    As a returning client I want to edit my documents Medium
    As a returning client I want to comment on content Medium
    As a returning client I want to delete my uploaded pictures/video Low
    As a returning client I want to delete my uploaded documents Low
    As a returning client I want to create my profile Low
    As a returning client I want to edit my profile Low
    As a returning client I want to log out Low
    As a returning trainer I want to sign in High
    As a returning trainer I want to see all my uploaded content High
    As a returning trainer I want to access my client's content High
    As a returning trainer I want to upload pictures/videos High
    As a returning trainer I want to upload documents High
    As a returning trainer I want to edit my documents Medium
    As a returning trainer I want to comment on content Medium
    As a returning trainer I want to delete my uploaded pictures/video Low
    As a returning trainer I want to delete my uploaded documents Low
    As a returning trainer I want to create my profile Low
    As a returning trainer I want to edit my profile Low
    As a returning trainer I want to log out Low
    user flows


    Then came wireframes and sketches of what each page would look like.

    wireframe sketches

    The wireframes were tested by three users and received positive feedback as far as functionality goes. Users were asked to sign up for an account, add a new progress picture, add a new check in, find the workout for day one and add a new meal plan.

    preferance test
    preferance test
    preferance test
    preferance test
    preferance test
    preferance test

    Feedback from the user testing was essential in determining if the app was intuitive. During testing, users pointed out the benefit of adding buttons to cancel tasks. The feedback indicated that both the desktop and mobile version were easy to use and straight forward.


    Visual Design

    Logo Design

    The goal was to create a brand that is inclusive for all types of training. Not everyone lifts weights or does cardio so I stayed away from the classic dumbell and running logos. BPM (beats per minute) represents all types fitness and the health benefits.

    Project logo designs
    Project logo designs
    Project logo designs

    Branding & Identity

    The brand characteristics are strength, energy, fitness, health, versatility and flexibility.

    I chose the magenta color for the main color for the mobile app for the clients because it is bright and energetic without being overwhelming. The teal color is the main color for the desktop/web version of the app for trainers because blue is the color of trustworthiness and responsibility but the green hue makes it more vibrant and energetic.

    project colors

    The typography chosen is sleek, modern and easy to read.

    project colors

    Prototype & Testing

    Various screen were voted on by users to determine their preference. Users chose the simplest entry forms for the mobile sign up and login screens. They voted on the background image for the desktop version sign up page as well as the main layout for the landing page.

    preferance test
    preferance test
    preferance test
    preferance test

    Then users were tested on the clickable prototype to ensure that users understand how to navigate it. It was important to include a script with basic information about the app and what tasks they needed to complete. Tasks for the mobile version included signing up, adding a progress picture, adding a check in, adding a new meal plan, finding the workout for day one and signing out.

    The feedback supported the functionality of the desktop and mobile version of the app. Users had an easy time navigating through the clickable prototypes therefore, nothing needed to be changed.


    I had a great experience building this app and coming up with an idea that i believe will do well in the fitness market. Researching and analyzing the competition was extremely important in verifying if there was space for an app like this. Looking at the features of the competition helped me determine what features BPM Fitness needed to stay competitive as well as additional features to set us apart.

    At first, I took on a big project with many features that I later realized were beyond the scope of this project. Had I had more time, I would have added features such as the ability to add comments and recover deleted files. I’m glad I was able to determine the scale of this project early on and believe it came out with all the necessary features.